When promoting a new book, authors enjoy a myriad of options that stretch far beyond links to buy. While providing purchase links is undoubtedly important, pursuing editorial opportunities will help to entice more readers.

Behind the Scenes Look

Take readers behind the scenes by sharing interesting tidbits related to your story. When Lisa Kleypas promoted the release of her romance, Marrying Winterborne, she penned a fantastic piece exploring the history of Victorian department stores for RT Book Reviews. Although the post was not solely about her book, it did shine a spotlight on the hero’s business, sparking readers’s interest in the story.

Cover Reveals

Cover Reveals are another great way to get readers excited about a book long before it hits shelves! If your cover art is not yet visible via online retailers, consider pitching a cover reveal to a blog to increase your reach. You may also share the image on your own website and social media accounts.


Everyone loves an excerpt! Introduce readers to your story by sharing an excerpt or two. Much like cover reveals, many book bloggers will be thrilled to host your excerpt on their website. Offering a taste of what your book is all about is a fantastic way grab readers’s attention!

First Chapters

Sharing the first chapter of your book is another great way to draw readers into the story. Unlike an an excerpt that may be derive from any section of the story, the first chapter helps to set the scene, luring readers in so that they must know what happens next!


If a media outlet taps you for an interview, absolutely accept! Interviews are a fun and exciting way to introduce readers not just to your book, but also to you! Chat about your process, inspiration, and future plans. Readers will love it!

Where to Start?

There are a number of book blogs that accept pitches from authors, publicists, and publishers — a route that I highly recommend. Another option would be to share content on your own website, making it available to all of your fans. Of course, social media is also an excellent place to start a conversation about your book, particularly on Facebook and Twitter. Either way, whether you promote your book on a blog or your own website, you should absolutely share the links on social media!

Have questions about book promotion? I have answers! Contact me at kwisestec@gmail.com to start a discussion about digital marketing solutions. You can also sign up for my newsletter to receive my Tuesday Tips in your inbox!

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec is a writer and social media manager with experience in publishing and event promotion. She is best known as the voice behind the RT Book Reviews and Book Lovers Con social media accounts.