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A Texas teen took her prom pictures at the local Barnes & Noble and the end result is every bit as awesome as it sounds. After seeing a Tweet featuring the amazing  photos, we reached out to Peyton, who attends North Crowley High School. 

Barnes & Noble Prom Photo

Where do you attend high school and where was your prom held?

We go to North Crowley High School in Fort Worth, Texas, and our prom was at the Hilton in downtown FW.

Are you a junior or a senior? If you’re a senior, where do you plan to attend college in the fall?

I’m a senior and I’ll be going to Lubbock Christian University to study children’s ministry.

What was the name of your date?

Fawaz and we’re just really good friends, not dating or anything.

Is Fawaz a senior as well?

He’s a senior and he’s deciding between the University of Texas at Arlington and Texas Tech.

B&N Prom Photo

Let me just say, I am super jealous that I did not think to take my wedding photos at a book store! Why did you choose Barnes & Noble as the location for your photo shoot?

We looked at the weather for prom and saw that there was a really good chance of rain so we had to brainstorm places to take pictures indoors. Every place we could think of cost money, like $200 for a photography permit, and we were all like, “No thank you!” So my friends Fawaz and Ryan came up with the idea (I give them all the credit) and at first everyone told them that was dumb, why would we take pictures at Barnes and Noble? But I was into it and I was ready to take some pictures in the kid section and with some records and at the Starbucks. So, day of prom comes and we realize we never made a definite plan so everyone meets at Barnes and Noble because it was the only idea that we had and then we just took pictures around the store and had a lot of fun.

Did you get special permission to shoot in the store, or did you just kind of wing it?

Ryan and Fawaz stopped by the store one day the week before prom and asked if we could take pictures and the people there said that wouldn’t be a problem!

B&N Prom Photo

How did the other customers react?

One little girl told us we looked like princesses and that made us really happy. One lady said she was glad we stopped by so she could see all of our outfits. Walking in, we saw a lot of people looking at us like we were crazy but they also thought it was really cool.

In your photo you’re reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Does the story hold any special meaning for you or Fawaz?

It was sitting on the chair next to us and we didn’t want to get up while the other couples were taking their pictures so we just started to read it. It was just the most convenient thing to read.

Did you ever think that your prom photos would get so much attention?

Not really, but it was really cool.

B&N Prom Photos

What’s on your TBR (To Be Read) pile right now?

I’m in the middle of reading Pride and Prejudice for the third time right now. After that is the play A Lie of the Mind, the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and then Room.

We have to ask — do you have a book boyfriend?

Mr. Darcy all the way.

If you could take any book boyfriend to prom, whom would you choose?

Again, Fitzwilliam Darcy.

Thanks so much for sharing, Peyton! 

B&N Prom Photos

Original Article:

Barnes & Noble Prom Photo Interview

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec is a writer and social media manager with experience in publishing and event promotion. She is best known as the voice behind the RT Book Reviews and Book Lovers Con social media accounts.