What the heck is a hashtag? The ‘pound’ sign of the past isn’t restricted to phones any longer — as social media blossomed and flowed into an ongoing conversation, this beloved symbol received a new lease on life! But when should you use hashtags, and where? Memorize these five dos and don’ts of hashtag use and you’ll be an expert in no time!

via GIPHY / Source Netflix


Do use hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Both platforms are hashtag-friendly and taking advantage will help potential followers find your content.

Don’t use hashtags on Facebook. The platform is not designed to support this feature, so there is no need to waste space in your post. The exception to this rule is if you have a hashtag that you use to group posts related to a specific promotion or event. In this case, using the hashtag is beneficial as it will help users to find related posts.


Do take advantage of trending hashtags relevant to your brand. This will introduce multiple interested parties to you and your content!

Don’t use hashtags that are irrelevant to your brand or content in an attempt to get attention. You’ll either be ignored, or worse — roasted mercilessly. Hashtags are meant to gather people in a common conversation, stepping into this space with a change of topic won’t make you any friends. 


Do include several relevant hashtags in your tweets and Instagram posts. This will increase the post’s exposure, which could help grow your audience!

Don’t overload your post with hashtags — relevant or not. Too many hashtags could make the content appear spammy. Try using no more than three hashtags on Twitter and between five and 12 on Instagram.


Do keep it conversational. Hashtags that appear within the main text of your content should fit in seamlessly. You may also list hashtags at the end of the post.

Don’t pepper in so many hashtags that your post becomes difficult to read. Not every word should be mated with a hashtag. #Imagine how #annoying it would be to #read a #post filled with #irrelevant hashtags?


Do create your own hashtag to promote specific endeavors. Make sure that it is clear and concise!

Don’t string a bunch of long, cumbersome words together and expect your audience to understand. Hashtags that are too long are difficult for users to type correctly and waste valuable space when there are character limits to comply with.

See? Hashtags aren’t so scary! In fact, I’d even say you’ve grown into a real hashtag master … or should I say #master? Have fun with your new followers!

Have questions about your website or social media presence? I have answers! Contact me at kwisestec@gmail.com to start a discussion about digital marketing solutions. You can also sign up for my newsletter to receive my Tuesday Tips in your inbox!

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec is a writer and social media manager with experience in publishing and event promotion. She is best known as the voice behind the RT Book Reviews and Book Lovers Con social media accounts.

1 Comment

A Crash Course in Twitter Terminolgy - Kristin Stec · September 3, 2019 at 10:47 am

[…] # (Hashtag) – The crosshatch symbol that kicks of each string of words. Hashtags group related tweets (and Instagram posts). This makes it simpler for users to find related information via a search. Learn more about the dos and don’ts of hashtags here. […]

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