Now that you’re an expert at staging book photos inside your home, it’s time to head out into the world! A change of scenery does wonders for the mind and body — it may also help to increase engagement on your social media pages. While vacation is absolutely a time to kick back and relax, being presented with a plethora of photo ops makes it difficult to unplug completely! Check out my tips for snapping amazing photos featuring your latest book without cutting into your downtime:

Have Book, Will Travel

The jokes are true — avid readers don’t go anywhere without a book (or two) in their bag. When you take your new release on vacation, don’t leave it in your hotel room, bring it out into the world! Whether you plan to spend the day lounging seaside or exploring a bustling metropolis, I promise you that there will be a beautiful spot just begging to serve as the backdrop for your next book photo. Having your book on hand increases your chances of snapping a totally amazing picture!

I was carrying a copy of Tessa Bailey’s Disorderly Conduct while walking through Brooklyn, where I happened upon an NYPD cruiser. Of course, I had to snap a photo of The Academy’s cadet in front of the car!

Incorporate Summer Scenery

All books are beach reads! Whether your story is set in a tiny seaside town or on a rocket ship blasting through outer space, I promise you that there are plenty of people who would love to read your new release this summer. Switch things up by photographing your book among some quintessential summer scenery. A simple photo of your latest release sitting poolside can be enough to entice readers to grab your book for their next lounge session.

Seek Out Activities Related to Your Story

Wouldn’t it be fun to enjoy an experience that lives within the pages of your book? Consider setting aside some time to indulge in a meal or activity that relates to your story. Perhaps one of your characters is a baker who whips up all manner of delicious treats and there just happens to be a decadent pâtisserie steps away from where you’re staying. Take your book along on a sweet culinary adventure and snap a few photos to share with your followers!

A screenshot of a Book Lovers Con Instagram post shows a print copy of Jennifer L. Armentrout's Moonlight Sins sitting next to a plate of mini King Cakes.
Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Moonlight Sins is set in the Louisiana Bayou, so it only seemed appropriate to pose the book next to a yummy plate of New Orleans King Cakes!

Find Your Book in the Wild

From airports to roadside rest stops, travel tends to bring us through a variety of shops that sell books. If you find yourself in such a place, don’t be shy, search for one of your titles! Not only will it bring you joy to see your book out in the wild, it also provides a wonderful opportunity to grab a quick pic to share. Be sure to include a few fun details about where you found the book when sharing with your followers.

Icelanders LOVE to read! I had so much fun seeking out foreign translations of familiar romance titles during my trip.

Seek Out Complementary Colors

Complementary colors create contrast that catches the viewer’s eye. I’ll talk more about how to use a color wheel to find the perfect complement to your book’s cover next week, but for now keep the following matches in mind:

  • Yellow & Purple
  • Red & Green
  • Blue & Orange

Just like that, you’ve added a dash of excitement to your social media pages (and you’ve still got plenty of time to enjoy your vacation, too)!

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Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec

Kristin Stec is a writer and social media manager with experience in publishing and event promotion. She is best known as the voice behind the RT Book Reviews and Book Lovers Con social media accounts.