It’s no secret that authors seek inspiration from the world around them. In fact, many authors even create mood boards to help spark creativity. By bringing this technique into the digital age, you can share some of these details with your readers. Offering an insider’s perspective can help to keep readers engaged, and even increase their loyalty to your stories and characters!
If you are already a Pinterest user, begin by creating a new board to showcase the images that you find. You might also consider dividing the board into sections to make it simpler to navigate. For example, you can give each main character a section that details their taste in fashion, food, and leisure activities.
And if you enjoy crafting graphics that feature poignant quotes from your stories, Pinterest is a fantastic place to share them! Create a special sub-section in your book board to showcase these quotes, or create a separate board. Either way, you’re certain to soon find your quotes pinned on boards all over Pinterest! BONUS—these quote graphics are also crazy popular on Instagram, so this content can do double duty!

Need help with creating quote images? I’ve got your back! Read my post on complementary colors for help creating eye-catching images. You can also contact me at [email protected] to start a discussion about digital marketing solutions.